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Brisbane Stuff Advertising Agency Logo
Brisbane Stuff is a global communications and advertising agency. It was founded in Australia in 2002 but is now headquartered in Hong Kong. What started as a Webdesign company it evolved into a full-service advertising agency helping clients around the world build enduring brands for more than 14 years. Brisbane Stuff delivers targeted advertising strategies and focused design approaches, helping its clients stand out in a crowd. It delivers marketing messages wrapped in graphic design that combines intellect and emotion in a way that is rare these days in web development, marketing or advertising. Brisbane Stuff is a dynamic, full service advertising agency that specialises in branding, marketing, animation, graphic design, photography, online video & film production and webdesign. The agency’s commitment to excellence, coupled with deep experience and understanding of communications media, has made Brisbane Stuff a cutting-edge branding firm. Today, they design for some of Europe’s, Austral-Asia and America’s largest corporate institutions and organisations.

Brisbane Stuff is one of the main sponsors for the VOX365NZ project.

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