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Kia Ora,

VOX365NZ is a multidisciplinary platform for promoting creative and collaborative spirit

VOX365NZ – Voices of Aotearoa HISTORY

We started VOX365NZ 10 years ago. The project idea began developing back in 2012. The filming of the first 12 interviews was realised in only one day, at Zoran’s studio in Victoria Park Market “The Cave”, back in 2014. The project and the idea continued developing over the course of the following couple of years. We couldn’t have done it if we didn’t have the generous support of a fantastic group of dedicated and passionate people.

Going back to 2014 the filming of the Pilot for VOX365NZ – 12 interviews. You must admit conducting interviews with twelve different acts in one single day is quite  a task. Some of the bands we interviewed had five or six members present. The Cave buzzed with excitement – artists everywhere – there were about 60 people going in and out of the studio in those 8 hours. We started 9am sharp and finished filming at 5pm. It demanded a high level of organisational skills and coordination. We were fine-tuned and synchronised just like a Swiss watch – no, not really lol… organising artists is more like herding cats… but nonetheless, it was the most inspiring and beautiful day – a labour of love – in every sense. Fast forward to 2023, this exciting journey continues and in the following 18 months we are planing on filming 365 artists from Aotearoa. We wish to thank you for your kind support.


In an increasingly divided world, we see VOX365NZ as a beacon of unity, mutual understanding and collaboration.


The Central Idea (Kaupapa) of the VOX365NZ Project is to create a dynamic platform that celebrates the diverse art in New Zealand.


VOX365NZ plans to deliver the project through a series of carefully curated interviews filmed across various galleries.


New Zealand, a proud Pacific nation, boasts a multicultural society. VOX365NZ is a a celebration of this heritage.


Ultimately, at the heart of VOX365NZ lies a deep-seated desire to help artists achieve sustainability in their careers


VOX365NZ is not merely a project but a catalyst for positive change, uniting artists, businesses, and communities.


In an increasingly divided world, we see VOX365NZ as a beacon of unity, mutual understanding and collaboration. Our platform provides a sanctuary for artists to share their narratives, fostering cross-cultural understanding, promoting inclusivity, and celebrating diversity, at the same time bridging the gap between creativity and business. Through the ancient art of storytelling, we aim to revive the sense of community, reminiscent of our ancestors gathered around the campfire.


The Central Idea (Kaupapa) of the VOX365NZ Project is to create a dynamic and immersive platform that celebrates the diverse tapestry of contemporary art in New Zealand. Through a series of 365 artist interviews, this project endeavours to achieve multiple interconnected goals:

1. Empowering Sustainability for Artists ○ Provide artists with a sustainable platform to share their stories and connect with a broader audience, fostering recognition, patronage, and professional growth.

2. Fostering Collaboration and Unity: Cultivate an environment of collaboration among artists from various disciplines, instigating the creation of innovative and boundary-defying art that transcends individual artistic boundaries.

3. Promoting Cross-Cultural Understanding and Inclusivity: Elevate the cultural dialogue by showcasing the unique narratives, perspectives, and influences that shape New Zealand’s diverse artistic landscape, promoting inclusivity and appreciation for our multicultural society.

4. Spreading Love and Unity in a Divisive World: Act as a unifying force in a world marked by divisions, emphasising shared human experiences through the powerful medium of storytelling, reminiscent of ancient gatherings around the campfire.

5. Bridging the Gap Between Business and Artists: Facilitate mutually beneficial connections between artists and businesses in Aotearoa, creating opportunities for sustainable partnerships and collaborations that contribute to the growth of both sectors.


VOX365NZ plans to deliver the project through a series of carefully curated interviews filmed across various cultural centres, galleries, and art institutions in Aotearoa, commencing in February of 2024 and culminating in a multimedia exhibition, film screenings and online platform presentations, ensuring accessibility and widespread visibility for the diverse stories and artworks of the featured artists.

“VOX365NZ is strategically designed to be delivered through a meticulous series of filmed interviews, conducted in person at diverse cultural centres, renowned galleries, and prominent art institutions across the scenic landscapes of New Zealand. Starting in the summer of 2024, our team aims to embark on a comprehensive journey, traveling to various regions of Aotearoa, including the vibrant cities, remote rural communities, and culturally rich Maori settlements, ensuring a comprehensive representation of New Zealand’s diverse artistic community.

With a dedicated crew equipped with state-of-the-art filming equipment, we plan to orchestrate these interviews in a manner that not only captures the raw essence of each artist’s story but also the intricate details of their creative processes and the inspiration behind their works. By fostering open communication and a collaborative atmosphere during the interviews, we aim to cultivate an environment where the artists feel empowered to express their unique perspectives, struggles, and triumphs, ultimately showcasing the depth and richness of the New Zealand art scene.

Additionally, our multifaceted approach includes the creation of a comprehensive multimedia exhibition, meticulously curated to showcase the captivating stories and artworks of the 365 featured artists. This exhibition is envisioned to be a dynamic and immersive experience, incorporating various forms of artistic expression, from video installations

to interactive displays, with the aim of engaging audiences from diverse backgrounds and fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for the cultural intricacies of Aotearoa.

Furthermore, in tandem with the physical exhibition, our comprehensive online platform is set to be a key component of our project’s delivery strategy. This digital platform will serve as a virtual gallery, accessible to audiences worldwide, providing a dynamic and interactive space for the featured artists to share their stories, showcase their portfolios, and engage with a global community of art enthusiasts, fostering a sustainable network of support and collaboration.

Through these carefully orchestrated initiatives, VOX365NZ is poised to deliver a transformative and inclusive narrative, emphasising the importance of unity, collaboration, and cross-cultural understanding in the realm of contemporary art. Our project aims to leave a lasting impact, not only on the local New Zealand art scene but also on the global stage, serving as a beacon of inspiration for fostering sustainable connections between the artistic community and businesses, thereby creating a thriving and supportive ecosystem for the flourishing of art in Aotearoa.


New Zealand, a proud Pacific nation, boasts a multicultural society. VOX365NZ is a a celebration of this heritage, a testament to the strength that arises from diversity and a tribute to this identity, a celebration of the artists who enrich our cultural landscape. Through their stories, we aim to weave a tapestry that highlights the complex and beautiful fabric of our society in this challenging times.

Mtauranga Mori and Kaupapa Pasifika are not only evident in the concept and practice of VOX365NZ but are fundamental to its core mission of celebrating and empowering indigenous voices within the Aotearoa arts community. The project’s commitment to inclusivity and cultural respect exemplifies a powerful example of cultural advocacy and appreciation. The specific outcomes for the Mori and Pasifika artists are:

1. Cultural Revitalisation and Transmission: Through VOX365NZ, Mori and Pasifika artists have the opportunity to share their stories, artistic processes, and cultural knowledge. This not only preserves and revitalises traditional practices but also serves as a means of cultural transmission to future generations.

2. Community Building and Connection: The project fosters a sense of community among Mori and Pasifika artists, as well as within the broader artistic community. It provides a platform for artists to connect, share experiences, and collaborate, strengthening cultural bonds and fostering a sense of unity.

3. Educational Value: VOX365NZ serves as an educational resource, offering insights into the diverse cultures, traditions, and artistic expressions of Mori and Pasifika communities. This promotes a broader understanding and appreciation for the depth and complexity of these cultural identities.

4. Inspiration and Empowerment: The visibility and recognition gained through VOX365NZ empowers Mori and Pasifika artists, encouraging them to continue their artistic journeys with confidence. This can inspire other artists within these communities, creating a ripple effect of artistic expression and cultural pride.


Ultimately, at the heart of VOX365NZ lies a deep-seated desire to help artists achieve sustainability in their careers. Recognising the dedication and hard work that artists invest in their craft, the project endeavours to provide a platform that not only elevates their visibility but also contributes to their professional growth and success. Sustainability for Artists is one of our objectives. VOX365NZ strives to bridge the gap between business and artists, creating mutually beneficial connections that sustain and uplift the artistic community.

With this objective in mind, in 2016 we started our collaboration with the Creativity in Organisations Research Group Te Rōpū Rangahau Auaha i ngā Rōpū Whakahaere (CORG) from Massey Business School Te Kura Whai Pakihi. CORG researches the connection between arts and business, and how creativity informs organisational and leadership development.


1. For Artists: ○ Artists will gain invaluable exposure, connecting with a wider audience and potential collaborators. They will find a supportive platform to share their narratives, fostering a sense of pride, purpose, and sustainability in their creative endeavours.

2. For Participants and Viewers: Participantswillembarkonajourneyofdiscovery,gaining insight into the creative processes, cultural influences, and personal stories that drive New Zealand’s contemporary artists. This experience will promote cross-cultural understanding and appreciation for the richness of our society.

3. For the Community: The project will cultivate a stronger, more connected artistic community in Aotearoa, encouraging collaboration, networking, and the generation of innovative, cross-disciplinary works.

4. For Businesses: Businesses will have the opportunity to align themselves with a project that celebrates creativity, inclusivity, and cultural diversity. They will forge meaningful connections with artists, contributing to a thriving artistic ecosystem in Aotearoa.

5. For New Zealand’s Cultural Identity: VOX365NZ will serve as a powerful testament to NewZealand’s identity as a beautiful Pacific nation on the edge of the world – highlighting the vibrancy and diversity of our multicultural society. It will contribute to the ongoing narrative of Aotearoa’s evolving cultural fabric.

In summary, VOX365NZ is not merely a project but a catalyst for positive change, uniting artists, businesses, and communities in a celebration of art, culture, and unity. Through this endeavour, we aim to leave a lasting impact on the artistic landscape of Aotearoa.

Creative Objectives


1. Empowering Artists: Our project is a testament to the belief that every artist has a story worth telling. By amplifying their voices, we empower artists to reach a wider audience and forge connections with fellow creatives, potential collaborators and Art Ambassadors.

2. Facilitating Collaboration: We believe that true magic happens when artists come together. VOX365NZ serves as a catalyst for interdisciplinary collaborations, where artists can merge their talents and perspectives to create art that transcends boundaries and resonates with audiences around the world.

3. Sustainability for Artists: We recognise the hard work and dedication of artists. VOX365NZ strives to bridge the gap between business and artists, creating mutually beneficial connections that sustain and uplift the artistic community.

4. Promoting Cross-Cultural Understanding: In a world marked by differences, understanding is key. Our project serves as a bridge, allowing audiences to delve into the diverse narratives that shape our society, enabling audiences to appreciate the myriad perspectives and experiences that make up our rich cultural mosaic and define our common identity.

5. Spreading Love and Unity: Love is the thread that weaves us all together. VOX365NZ is a testament to the love artists infuse into their creations, and we aim to radiate this love throughout our community, uniting us in a shared passion for art and culture.

Why VOX365NZ matters especially now: New Zealand, a proud Pacific nation, boasts a multicultural society. VOX365NZ is a a celebration of this heritage, a testament to the strength that arises from diversity and a tribute to this identity, a celebration of the artists who enrich our cultural landscape. Through their stories, we aim to weave a tapestry that highlights the complex and beautiful fabric of our society in this challenging times.

Conclusion: VOX365NZ is more than a project; it’s a movement. It’s a call to unite, to collaborate, and to create a legacy of art that transcends borders. Join us on this journey as we embark on a year-long exploration of New Zealand’s contemporary art scene. Together, let’s celebrate, understand, empower, and sustain our vibrant artistic community.


*This project is part of a much wider international project which is scheduled to start in Los Angeles, USA at the beginning of June 2025.


If YOU would like to contribute to VOX365NZ, or would like to be part of this awesome experience please get in touch

Our Partners & Sponsors

Foundation North Logo
Wallace Arts Trust Logo
Wallace Arts Trust Logo
Brisbane Stuff Advertising Agency Logo
Brisbane Stuff Advertising Agency Logo
CORG logo
CORG logo
Massey University Business School Logo
Massey University Business School Logo

© 2014 - 2023  VOX365NZ | 365 ARTISTS | 365 DAYS | Designed by Brisbane Stuff